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Voting on Tally

Follow the steps described below to vote on a proposal of the Lisk DAO. The Lisk DAO uses Tally to facilitate the voting on proposals.

The process in a nutshell:

  1. Go to Lisk DAO and connect your wallet to Tally.
  2. Navigate to the Lisk DAO proposals page.
  1. Select the active proposal you would like to vote on.
  2. Click on the Vote button in the upper right corner of the page.
  1. In the Voting pop up, choose your vote — For, Against, or Abstain. If you'd like, add a comment to explain the reason for your vote to the rest of your DAO. Once you're done, click Submit.
  1. Confirm and sign the transaction via your connected wallet.

Voting without Tally

It is crucial that members of the Lisk DAO can interact with the DAO at any point in time, even when Tally, the standard front end for the Lisk DAO, is down. Most importantly, voting and delegating should always be possible by interacting directly with the smart contract. How to vote manually is described below. For a guide on how to delegate your voting power manually, see the Delegation page.


You must know the proposal ID of the proposal you want to vote for. The proposal ID is a very long integer (uint256). To get the ID for a proposal, get the respective Logs from an RPC node:

async function main() {
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("");
const logs = await provider.getLogs({
fromBlock: 568778, // block when Governor contract got deployed
toBlock: 'latest',
address: "0x58a61b1807a7bDA541855DaAEAEe89b1DDA48568", // L2Governor Proxy
topics:['0x7d84a6263ae0d98d3329bd7b46bb4e8d6f98cd35a7adb45c274c8b7fd5ebd5e0'] // signature of `ProposalCreated` event


The return value is an array of logs, where each log corresponds to one proposal (creation) and has the corresponding transaction hash.

Log {
provider: JsonRpcProvider {},
transactionHash: '0xc2663d2ffc0c6082e8766a18879972692515f37c02c97b193776f4b9b6bb71c3',
blockHash: '0x5710e760423b493ad5eb644c1a4e2ee4e95f3b5da1675c80a9d1bbf421832186',
blockNumber: 3952205,
// ...

The transaction hash can then be pasted into Blockscout to see more details of the proposal. To see if the proposal is the one you are looking for, click on the Logs tab and look for the ProposalCreated event. If the values, in particular the ones for description, voteStart and voteEnd, match with the proposal you want to vote on, then it is the right one. To get the proposal ID, copy the value of the field proposalId.


  1. Go to the Write proxy tab on the L2Governor proxy contract on Blockscout:
  2. If your wallet is not already connected to Blockscout, click on Connect wallet and follow the instructions to connect your wallet1.
  1. Click on 3. castVote to unfold the form for the castVote function.
  1. Insert the proposal ID of the proposal you want to vote on into the field proposalId (uint256)*.
  2. Fill the support (uint8)* field as follows:
  • If you want to vote against the proposal, insert 0.
  • If you want to vote for the proposal, insert 1.
  • If you want to vote with abstain, insert 2.
  1. Click on the Write button.
  1. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

To verify the vote was submitted correctly, you can check the VoteCast event of your transaction.


  1. At the time of writing, there is an issue with connecting MetaMask to Blockscout on Firefox; you may have to use another browser like Brave or Chrome.