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Using oracle data with Tellor

This page will explain how your application can access oracle data using Tellor.

Tellor is an immutable decentralized oracle protocol where parties can request the value of an offchain data point (e.g. ETH/USD, LSK/USD) and reporters compete to add this value to an onchain databank. The inputs to this databank are secured by a network of staked reporters.

Tellor utilizes crypto-economic incentive mechanisms, rewarding honest data submissions by reporters and punishing bad actors through the issuance of Tellor’s token, Tributes (TRB) and a dispute mechanism.

This incentivizes an open, permissionless network of data reporting and data validation, ensuring that data can be provided by anyone and checked by everyone.


The first thing you'll want to do is install the basic tools necessary for using Tellor as your oracle.

To install usingtellor, run one the following commands:

  • Hardhat: npm install usingtellor
  • Foundry: forge install tellor-io/usingtellor

Once installed, this will allow your contracts to inherit the functions from the 'UsingTellor' contract.

Great! Now that you've got the tools ready, let's go through a simple exercise where we retrieve the eth/usd and lsk/usd prices from Tellor.


pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

import "usingtellor/contracts/UsingTellor.sol";
* Network: Lisk Mainnet
* Address: 0x896419Ed2E0dC848a1f7d2814F4e5Df4b9B9bFcc
contract MyContract is UsingTellor {

constructor(address payable _tellorOracle) UsingTellor(_tellorOracle) {


// ...


To import the UsingTellor contract into your Solidity file, pass the desired Tellor Oracle address as a parameter. For the Lisk Mainnet, the Tellor Oracle address is: 0x896419Ed2E0dC848a1f7d2814F4e5Df4b9B9bFcc

Reading data

In the example below, we add two functions:

  • getETHSpotPrice() that reads the ETH/USD price feed and another function
  • getLSKSpotPrice() that reads the LSK/USD price feed from the Oracle
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

import { UsingTellor } from "usingtellor/contracts/UsingTellor.sol";

contract MyContract is UsingTellor {

uint256 public ethLastStoredTimestamp;
uint256 public ethLastStoredPrice;
uint256 public lskLastStoredTimestamp;
uint256 public lskLastStoredPrice;
bytes32 public immutable ethQueryId;
bytes32 public immutable lskQueryId;
uint256 public constant DISPUTE_BUFFER = 20 minutes;
uint256 public constant STALENESS_AGE = 12 hours;

error StalePrice(uint256 price, uint256 timestamp);
error NoValueRetrieved(uint256 timestamp);

* @dev the constructor sets the Tellor address and the ETH and LSK queryIds
* @param _tellorOracle is the address of the Tellor oracle
constructor (address payable _tellorOracle) UsingTellor(_tellorOracle) {
// set the ETH queryId
bytes memory _ethQueryData = abi.encode("SpotPrice", abi.encode("eth", "usd"));
ethQueryId = keccak256(_ethQueryData);
// set the LSK queryId
bytes memory _lskQueryData = abi.encode("SpotPrice", abi.encode("lsk", "usd"));
lskQueryId = keccak256(_lskQueryData);

* @dev Allows a user contract to read the ETH price from Tellor and perform some
* best practice checks on the retrieved data
* @return _value the ETH spot price from Tellor, with 18 decimal places
* @return timestamp the value's timestamp
function getETHSpotPrice()
returns (
uint256 _value,
uint256 timestamp
// retrieve the most recent 20+ minute old ETH price.
// the buffer allows time for a bad value to be disputed
(bytes memory _data, uint256 _timestamp) = _getDataBefore(ethQueryId, block.timestamp - DISPUTE_BUFFER);

// check whether any value was retrieved
if (_timestamp == 0 || _data.length == 0) revert NoValueRetrieved(_timestamp);

// decode the value from bytes to uint256
_value = abi.decode(_data, (uint256));

// prevent a back-in-time dispute attack by caching the most recent value and timestamp.
// this stops an attacker from disputing tellor values to manupulate which price is used
// by your protocol
if (_timestamp > ethLastStoredTimestamp) {
// if the new value is newer than the last stored value, update the cache
ethLastStoredTimestamp = _timestamp;
ethLastStoredPrice = _value;
} else {
// if the new value is older than the last stored value, use the cached value
_value = ethLastStoredPrice;
_timestamp = ethLastStoredTimestamp;

// check whether value is too old
if (block.timestamp - _timestamp > STALENESS_AGE) revert StalePrice(_value, _timestamp);

// return the value and timestamp
return (_value, _timestamp);

* @dev Allows a user contract to read the LSK price from Tellor and perform some
* best practice checks on the retrieved data
* @return _value the LSK spot price from Tellor, with 18 decimal places
* @return timestamp the value's timestamp
function getLSKSpotPrice()
returns (
uint256 _value,
uint256 timestamp
(bytes memory _data, uint256 _timestamp) = _getDataBefore(lskQueryId, block.timestamp - DISPUTE_BUFFER);

if (_timestamp == 0 || _data.length == 0) revert NoValueRetrieved(_timestamp);

_value = abi.decode(_data, (uint256));

if (_timestamp > lskLastStoredTimestamp) {
lskLastStoredTimestamp = _timestamp;
lskLastStoredPrice = _value;
} else {
_value = lskLastStoredPrice;
_timestamp = lskLastStoredTimestamp;

if (block.timestamp - _timestamp > STALENESS_AGE) revert StalePrice(_value, _timestamp);

return (_value, _timestamp);

You can adapt this contract to your needs. The example utilizes some best practices1 for using Tellor by implementing a dispute time buffer and a data staleness check. In addition, it also seeks to mitigate back-in-time dispute attacks by caching the most recent value and timestamp.


For a general overview of best practices using Tellor, go to the User checklists in the Tellor docs.

Deploying on Lisk

To deploy the smart contract on Lisk Sepolia or Lisk Mainnet, follow the guides

Further resources

  • For a more robust implementation of the Tellor oracle, check out the full list of available functions here.
  • Have a specific Data Feed Request? Fill out this form.
  • Still have question? Reach out to the Tellor team on Discord here.


  1. Based on examples in Tellor's best practices repository